Hate your job and want to quit? This guide is for you to avoid mistakes 70% of people make.

8 min readJan 9, 2022


Originally published at https://eggcellentwork.com.

“Should I quit my job?” is a common question that you are going to ask throughout the course of their careers. In fact, the average person makes this jump at least 5 to 7 times, according to various experts. So what happens once the words “I hate my job!” have passed your lips too many times? If you know how to tell your boss you’re quitting, the process becomes much easier.

Whether you are parting ways with the company because you are ready to spread your wings or you have had just about enough of the boss’ nonsense, there is a correct way to go about it. This guide is here to walk you through it and keep you from making the same mistakes that others have gone through in the past.

I Hate My Job!: How To Tell Your Boss You’re Quitting

Did you know that 83 percent of HR managers will hold the way that you quit a job against you? This is something that the average person doesn’t consider before they break out their best “take this job and shove it!” routine. There is no shortage of hilarious quitting videos out there as well. These can send the wrong message.

Sure, you may have a good laugh at the moment but these types of things can severely damage your job prospects. If you say goodbye in the wrong way, you are going to find yourself struggling to get an interview in the future. Be sure to read on and learn more about the following steps:

1. Don’t Tell Your Coworkers

As someone who has been in this precise situation before, let me tell you. You are going to be very tempted to spill the beans to your coworkers. It’s a natural instinct. Don’t make the mistake of having the “should I quit my job?” conversation with a coworker. They may seem like a friend today but friends can quickly turn into foes when career advancement is on the line.

This may sound too paranoid for some and that’s fair. So, let’s get into a much realer concern: your boss. If the boss has to find out that you are leaving the company secondhand, this is going to reflect poorly upon you. Feathers are going to be ruffled in these instances. You need to follow proper protocol.

Depending on the position in question, the boss may want to draft an e-mail that will be sent to everyone else in the company about your departure. There’s no reason to play any sort of guessing game when it comes to the boss. Bring your decision to them first and never play the “should I quit my job?” game in earshot of a coworker.

2. Have The Conversation In Person

In order to retain the trust of your boss and ensure future recommendations, you need to have all conversations in a face to face setting. Resigning from a distance makes you look cowardly, giving the boss the impression that you have something to hide. No one likes to say goodbye. That’s very understandable.

Still, having the guts to walk in and handle this step of the process face to face displays a certain amount of courage. It will reflect well upon the employee and allow them to seek further opportunities elsewhere. After all, why would anyone want to hire someone who doesn’t mind torching bridges as they go? Bear that in mind.

3. Provide The Correct Amount of Notice

This one should go without saying. However, this step is not always considered during the “should I quit my job?” conversations. People fall into the trap of believing that they have so many opportunities that will never fade away. This causes them to forget about the importance of providing the correct amount of notice before quitting.

Two weeks is the standard amount of notice in most instances. That does not mean that it is the default. Many industries require employees to provide a longer amount of notice, for training purposes. In some cases, a current employee may need to stick around until the new trainee arrives. Don’t be surprised if a month is considered more appropriate.

4. Offer Hints About Where Things Are Going

In other words, don’t blindside your boss by sending an e-mail about a general meeting. Make sure that there is some sort of language in the e-mail that offers a hint about where things are headed. The subject line is a valuable tool in these instances. Put something to the effect of “important meeting”.

If you are going for more of a full fledged resignation letter, there are guides than can help. For an e-mail, include some language that is indicative of the tenor of the meeting. This keeps the boss from feeling blindsided when the big day finally arrives.

5. Don’t Be Scared To Rehearse

Having the “should I quit my job?” conversation with loved ones is easy. Having the “I’m actually quitting” conversation with your boss is much tougher. They are going to want a reason why. No one is saying that you need to get into too many specifics here. That’s not the boss’ business, necessarily.

If you are leaving because of unhappiness, it is best to leave this out of the conversation. That’s where rehearsing comes in handy. This keeps you from stuttering, stammering and inadvertently tipping your hand more than necessary. Remember: you’re not leaving because you’re miserable. You’re leaving because you want to apply the knowledge you have gained in a new setting.

6. Counter Offers Are Common

Counter offers are costly for a wide range of reasons. For starters, you are not going to change your mind over the long haul. If you’re having the “should I quit my job?” conversation now, you’re still going to be having it later. Worst of all, the job may end up terminating you later on after convincing you to stay.

Employers may even move money around to offer a pay raise that seems great on paper. Little did you know that this was a bonus or raise you were entitled to anyway! You’ll also develop a reputation for being indecisive, which is going to sting once you inevitably decide to leave a few months later.

Take the time to thoroughly consider any counter offer and ask the right questions. Does any proposed raise come at the expense of future bonuses and raises? Does the offer address your actual reasons for wanting to quit or is it a form of window dressing? The first question is for the boss. The second question needs to be answered honestly by each individual who is considering quitting.

7. Obtain a Reference

Some have been led to believe that they are going to receive a negative reference if they decide to quit. That’s not usually the case. Yes, you are going to receive a negative reference if you march out in the middle of the day. Those who follow the necessary steps and avoid the usual mistakes won’t have that problem.

This is taking where taking the time and laying the groundwork pays off. Once the “I’m leaving” conversation has been had and all is well, it’s time to get yourself a reference. If the boss is busy, offer to write one yourself and offer it up for their approval. No new employer is going to be psyched to hire you without a glowing recommendation.

8. Offer Up a Heartfelt Thank You

Few things are going to leave a better final impression than a sincere and heartfelt thank you. Your bosses and coworkers will remember you fondly when their contributions are publicly memorialized. Personal branding has never been more crucial. You need to leave on the best terms you possibly can, no matter how you feel.

We know that you are probably nearing the end of your rope and that’s okay. You’re still going to want to make sure that you are providing yourself with future opportunities. Those who slink out the back door are making themselves look guilty.

Additional Pointers: How To Tell The Boss You’re Quitting

Before you let your “I hate my job!” rants dictate your decision making, you’ll need to take a deep breath. Telling your boss that you are quitting is simpler than you think. Before you send that e-mail, you’ll want to consider the following pointers:

Assess Your Situation (With a Clear Head)

We all have our days where we feel a certain amount of ill will towards our jobs. You can’t let these days dictate the course of your future, though. Take your time and think about it. Is it just a bad day or is it indicative of something much worse? There’s definitely a fine line between being grateful for your job and tolerating things that you shouldn’t.

Don’t ever make this decision without taking the time to clear your head first. Maybe this is something that can be solved by taking the time to ask the employer some direct questions. If you’re a quality employee, the employer may be willing to do whatever it takes to keep you on board. There’s one key thing to remember, though. It shouldn’t take a threat to quit for your basic needs as an employee to be met.

Have a New Position Lined Up

The current job market is a massive unknown. Kara Ramlogan works with Madison Black, as the head of their PR department. She plays a major role in the recruiting of professionals in the creative field. Ramlogan advises employed job seekers to find the proper balance between full dedication to your current role and carving out time to find a new one.

Don’t use your social media accounts to job hunt and do not let the information get out. Office gossip travels fast! This can be a tough needle to thread. Do your best to keep your job hunt from interfering with any of your current responsibilities. There’s nothing wrong with sacrificing a half day or a lunch break.

What About The Transitional Period?

Let’s say that all of the other steps have gone according to plan and you are officially on your way out. You’re not out of the woods yet. Don’t be the employee that makes an unholy mess that the rest of your coworkers end up having to clean up in your wake. In a perfect world, you are going to be the employee who leaves things in a better place than they found them.

There’s no reason to leave unfinished work for the next person. Put yourself in the shoes of your fellow employee and think long and hard about behaving in such a manner. You may already have a new position sewn up but you may need to dip your toes in the job search waters again someday.

Meanwhile, there are also exit interviews that have to be considered. Don’t blow these off. It’s important to participate whenever you are asked. Be as honest as possible during this interview but don’t use it as a tool to bash the company. If the criticism is not constructive, it should not be taking place.

In Closing

When it comes time to leave your current job, there are no downsides to following this guide. Don’t make the all too common mistake of assuming that you can strut out the door without following the necessary protocol. Before embarking on the process of changing jobs, make sure that your employment documents are up to date and that you have a decent savings on hand.

By taking the time to follow all the tips that this guide has to offer, you are able to steer clear of the common pitfalls. Whether your time at the company is considered to be a positive or negative experience, you need to maintain an even keel during the transitional process. The aforementioned tips and pointers will give you all of the tools that you need to avoid any unforeseen issues.




Written by Eggcellentwork

My name is Jenny. I created blog "Eggcellent Work" to share useful tips and advices for career and life success.

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